Thursday, 3 April 2008

So it seems like the earliest the roads will open is early next week so we have taken it upon ourselves to get out of dodge and go up north so see some mangroves and maybe some south american crocodiles. YES! Not caymen or alligators, crocodiles, the real deal! Also we will drop by a lil´town renowned for its handicrafts. I feel bad about being a little mean about chiclayo on my previous blog, we met up with our good Chiclayo friends last night and have great time drinking wine and watching a pirated movie (why go to the cinema here for 9 soles when you can buy a pirated copy for 2!). They are such great folks and being so nice to us I felt bad. But still we are getting out of chiclayo for a break. Fingers crossed we can go to liemabamba on Monday!

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